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Escape Book (volume 1) Page 2



  “It’s Breeze’s writing. . . .” You let out a sigh. “It seems like she’s trying to help me find her. Cross your paws! Let’s hope she’s okay!”

  In one of the folds, you also discover blue orchids. Make a note of them in your inventory!

  To keep looking around the study, go to 30. Or you can explore somewhere else.


  Warning! Do not keep reading unless you’ve figured out how to unlock access to this area! If you haven’t, go back to where you were before.

  You take the narrow hallway that leads you to the new room.

  Compared to the rooms you’ve seen so far, it’s really small.

  There’s only a torch on the floor.

  Although all the blocks in the temple are indestructible, you decide to try to grab it anyway. To your surprise, it goes into your inventory!

  Happy with your new find—even though you don’t know what you’ll use it for—you return to the study by going to 30.


  You put the small iron key in the small frame. After several seconds, nothing happens.

  Eeebs coughs quietly.

  “I don’t think that’s going to do anything. You should retrieve the key!”

  You better go back to 08 to try something else. . . .


  You attack the wall hanging with your sword, but nothing happens. It seems indestructible. You still feel a draft coming from behind the fabric. You should go back to 39 to make sure you didn’t miss anything. . . .


  Warning! Do not keep reading unless you’ve figured out how to unlock access to this area! If you haven’t, go back to where you were before.

  The new room is very bright. There aren’t any torches, but redstone lamps dot the ceiling. In the center of the room, you discover a strange device.

  In all your life as a villager—and as a powerful warrior—you’ve never seen anything like it. It’s a very sophisticated apparatus with three squares on top of a quartz block. The one in the center is made of ice.

  You look at the temple map and discover that you don’t really know where this room leads. . . .

  “Let’s hope this room takes us to the second level!”

  You look at the imposing quartz block a little more closely.

  Puzzle 25 in print packet

  On a small panel on the floor, you read the following:

  In the center, place the cube So ice above meets ice below. Then step back to view the top, And you will know the way to go.

  Eeebs asks, looking very serious,

  “Well, that’s a puzzle worthy of a SUPER MEGA WARRIOR. To solve it, it seems that you need a specific cube. Do we have it?”

  If you don’t have a cube, you better go to 13 and continue exploring the hall. You can also try to force the device by going to 29.


  You put the book in the center of the desk, which sends fine particles of dust into the air.

  The book opens itself. From the shelves of the library, symbols start flying around the room and into the open book. CRAZY! This reminds you of the effect of a crafting table. In front of you, a passage has appeared.


  Then there are several sentences in a very old language.

  “You have to translate this text.”

  This should help you move forward! Each symbol corresponds to a letter. Look at the first line. The first symbol is the letter I. It seems like you know what some of the symbols mean! Try to decrypt the message! Be methodical and start by inserting all the letters you already know . . .

  Puzzle 26 in print packet

  To return to explore the secret archives, go to 35. Or you can go somewhere else.


  You head for the wooden door of the secret archives. You hear a sound behind it.

  That muffled sound reminds you of something, but you can’t quite remember what.

  There is a sign above the door.

  Who could have put this sign here? Weird . . .

  You notice that Eeebs’s fur is standing on end.

  Do you still want to open the door? To open it, go to 20. To continue to explore the secret archives, go to 35. Or you can go somewhere else.


  You turn to Eeebs, who looks at you even more insistently.

  “What?” you ask him.

  Holy pixel! You’ll never get used to the idea of speaking with a cat.

  “I wonder where Herobrine has locked us up. This place looks really old . . . and full of magic.”

  The same question has haunted you since you set foot in this temple.

  Before you have time to say anything, Eeebs adds,

  “If you ask me, this place must have been built by sorcerers very, very long ago. Getting out of here is not going to be easy! We have to be extremely careful.”

  Sorcerers? If he’s right, that would explain why Herobrine is the only one who’s managed to escape. . . .

  To keep looking around the study, go to 30. Or you can explore somewhere else.


  You look at the device skeptically.

  After all this time buried under the ocean, it might not even work anymore.

  You decide to try to force it, touching everything, pushing anything that gives way, and even punching the square of ice in the center.

  Suddenly, you hear a quiet mechanical noise.

  “HAHAHA! There’s nothing I can’t do!”

  Just as you say that, the stone block under your feet disappears, and you fall into lava. Next time, you might want to be more patient.

  Your adventure ends here. Go to 03.


  According to the map, you’re in the study.

  You notice that there are several desks and some bookshelves.

  To take a closer look at the wall hanging, go to 39. If you want to pick up the piece of cloth on the floor, go to 21. Eeebs looks at you insistently. If you want to talk to him, go to 28.


  You use the flint and steel on the wall hanging.

  The hanging immediately catches fire and burns up completely in a matter of seconds. Well done!

  You watch the last pixels disappear in a puff of smoke.

  With the curtain gone, you see a very small passageway leading to a narrow room. You have just unlocked access to the secret room beyond the study.

  To go explore the secret room, go to 22. Or you can continue exploring the study or the rest of the level.


  You put the bucket of water on the desk. Nothing happens.

  You should go back to 19 to try something else.


  Upon closer inspection, you find a way to get the diamond sword. A light bouncing off the blade allows you to see a button that you didn’t notice when you were first looking around the library.


  You push it, and the sword is released. It’s a good weapon. You find holding it in the palm of your hand very reassuring. You don’t know what horrors are waiting for you in the darkness of this temple. . . . Remember to make a note of it in your inventory.

  You can continue exploring the secret archives or go somewhere else. To go back to the archives, go to 35.


  Unfortunately, you have nothing that allows you to fight off the zombie.

  He yells and pounds on you, and you quickly lose consciousness.

  Your adventure ends here. Go to 03.


  You arrive in a new room.

  It’s so cool! But also really weird. It’s a huge library with shelves stretching far overhead. On the map, you see that this is t
he secret archive.

  In the center, a carved column seems to support the whole structure. There is an almost oppressive calm to this room.

  Next to the central column, there is a desk. To look at it, go to 19. You see a wooden door on your right. To go check the door out, go to 27. You also notice a shining frame. To look at the frame, go to 40.


  You try to attack the zombie with your flint and steel.

  Unfortunately, he goes into a frenzy before you have the opportunity to do any damage.

  He lands several powerful blows.

  As you lose consciousness, one of your last thoughts is of Breeze.

  Your adventure ends here. Go to 03.


  You put the power cube on the device, but nothing happens.

  You must have made a mistake somewhere.

  The text specifies that the icy sides must touch.

  Go back to 25 and try something else.


  You approach the small frame, full of hope.

  Unfortunately, it’s empty.

  It’s impossible to describe how disappointed you feel.

  You can go back to 10 to try something else.


  You approach the wall hanging.

  There’s a huge symbol on it. It looks familiar, but you’re not sure. A flame, maybe?

  You feel a draft from behind the fabric, but you can’t move it or destroy it.

  Surely, there must be a way to get rid of it. . . . You should take a look at what you can combine with this wall hanging. Maybe something in your inventory could help you.

  If there’s nothing you can do here, you can continue to explore the study by going to 30. You can also choose another place to explore.


  You take one of the room’s narrow staircases to go take a closer look at the shiny object.

  The steps creak under your feet and echo throughout this strange library.

  In front of you, you discover a display frame. Inside is a magnificent diamond sword.

  You want to jump up and down and do a victory dance! This is the kind of sword you’ll need to survive in this temple!

  Sadly, you can’t seem to take it. You try everything, but it remains attached to the frame. Nothing in your inventory seems to interact with it.

  You decide to look at it more closely.

  There is a quote engraved on the frame.



  “The illustrations on the sword’s blade are really intriguing, don’t you think? Look what Joshuald says!”

  If you don’t find anything, you can go back and explore the secret archives or go somewhere else. To go back to the archives, go to 35.


  You raise the book to attack the zombie, and it stops for a second.

  If it had eyes, they would probably widen in surprise. It seems like a smile stretches across its face, as though it were unthinkable for you to attack it with such an object.

  It hammers you with blows, and, within a few seconds, you lose consciousness. If only you’d had a real weapon to fight it with . . .

  Your adventure ends here. Go to 03.


  With the book in hand, you approach the wall hanging.

  You quickly realize that this object will not help you here.

  You don’t even bother to turn around to look at Eeebs. You know he’s probably giving you a strange look.

  Maybe you have something else in your inventory that could help you? You better go back to 30 to make sure that you haven’t missed a clue. . . .


  As you get ready to use the flint and steel on the desk, Eeebs gives you an anxious look.

  “Are you planning to start a fire here in a library? I must admit I like the idea of keeping all my fur. You might want to try something different. . . .”

  Maybe you have something else that you could combine with this desk. Go back to 19 to make sure you haven’t missed a clue.


  You approach the device with three buttons.

  “A puzzle! I suspect this isn’t the only one we’ll encounter in this temple. . . . If we solve it, I bet it will give us a number that will tell us where to go. If you get stuck on a puzzle, you can ask me for advice. To do that, you just have to go to A1, at the back of the book. Okay! Let’s take a closer look at these buttons.”

  You can go back to 10 if you want to try something else.


  As you utter the phrase you just decrypted out loud, you hear strange magic throughout the secret archives.

  The ground shakes a little, and a blinding light comes out from between the pages of the book.

  In front of you, above the desk in the secret archives, a mysterious cube has appeared, suspended midair, turning slowly.

  It’s so strange! You’ve never seen anything like it. . . .

  Maybe it’s a trap . . . but you can’t resist grabbing the object.

  To get the cube, go to A5 in the print packet, then come back here. Don’t forget to note it in your inventory.

  When you have the cube in your hands, inscriptions and bright symbols appear on the desk.

  To look at them more closely, go to 07.


  The mural is really huge! You’ve never seen anything like it. Who could have made that?

  It’s a painting of a big battle scene, showing the protectors of Minecraftia. How do you know that? Because they look SUPER COOL, and they’re totally classy. They’re facing an army of terrifying monsters.

  “Something about this mural bothers me, but I can’t quite put my paw on it. Do you see anything?”

  If you don’t find anything, you can always go back to 13 and try something else.


  Sadly, you have succumbed to the cursed temple.

  You have to start your adventure again. You can start from the beginning if you think you missed something important.

  Erase all the items from your inventory.

  Or, to start again just before reaching the second level, go to 55. Then erase all the items in your inventory following the bucket of water on the list.

  Good luck with your new adventure!


  Certain of your choice, you jump onto the first wood block. But you can’t see any wood blocks you can jump to next. . . .

  You try to start again and jump to a dirt block. Suddenly, all the blocks disappear, and you fall into the darkness.

  You hit the ground and lose consciousness.

  Your adventure ends here. Go to 47.


  You slip the small iron key into the lock of the iron door. You hear the latch click.

  GREAT! You have unlocked access to the six-pillar hall.

  You find yourself in a huge room bathed in light.

  To explore it, go to 13. Or you can go to one of the rooms connected to it.


  You approach the iron door.

  You look through its bars and see a much larger room.

  Unfortunately, the gate is locked.

  You’d better go back to 10 to see whether there is anything else you can do.


  You look in the furnace and discover a slightly burned piece of paper. You begin to read aloud from the part that hasn’t been consumed by the flames.

  “ . . . that is why a dark terror reigns in the heart of the temple. A terror that no one would ever want to face. The dark, the terrible, the fierce cursed king.”


  “That’s right. There’s something I really don’t want to meet in this place! We’d better find some gear, in case we bump into it.”

You can continue to explore the mineral room by going to 58. Or you can go to another room.


  You place your hand confidently on the iron block. In front of you, behind the device, a door appears. You have unlocked access to the treasure room!

  Your heart is thumping. You are so EXCITED!

  If in addition to saving Breeze, you’ll be able to return to the village with a treasure, it will be a triumph!

  To go explore this new room, go to 86. Or you can continue exploring elsewhere.


  The closer you get to the throne, the bigger it looks. It’s made of diamond, gold, and iron blocks.